Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Father's Delight

I'm sitting here this morning in awe struck wonder at how amazing God is...He delights in ME, how great is the love that the Father lavishes on us!!!

When was the last time you lavished? Was it on something deserving or something disgusting, dirty and totally broken? I find delight in that perfect cup of coffee, savor every bite of chocolate cake, and drink up those quiet moments snuggling with the boys. BUT, I grumble when I have to grab a Coke instead of a latte, toss my flopped cake in the garbage and wish for grown children when the boys drive me crazy!
How thankful am I that God is unconditional!

At church we've been going through The Shack. I know that parts are controversial and not theologically sound...but, I was completely broken by the reaction of the God head to each other...the love, the tenderness.

I want that. Not only in my relationship with God, but in my everyday! (In flops and stresses not just great moments). I long to know God to the core of my being as a papa, not puppet master....unconditional is such a hard word to wrap your head around.

In the parable of the prodigal son, the father runs to his broken, smelly...completely messed up son and throws his arms around him. He wrapped him in his finest robe, while he still reaked of hogs and filth!

I found myself realizing that I've been not running back to my papa in all my despair...I've been trying to clean myself up, make myself presentable to my God. He doesn't ask for that and never will---He just wants us to come and he'll take care of the rest!!!

Today, I hope that you get a moment to realize how much God loves matter where you're coming from he wants you back...he's waiting and watching for your arrival!!!

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