Today we got some news on dates for the whole app process in New Mexico!
It was perfect...Jim's testing in September for his national license and we were worried that it would conflict with the fire department's tests.
I was flying high, praising God.....then I started thinking...I really need to stop doing that!!!!
Why is it that God proves himself faithful time and time again, but I just can't wrap my head around it?!? Why do I always wait for the other shoe to fall? Why can't I be happy with the miraculous and stop looking at the impossible?
And then as if on cue, I get my socks blessed off by some lovely treats in the mail!

Melissa over at
Green Girl in Wisconsin had a little giveaway that I won! Aren't these note cards adorable?!? If you love them half as much as I do, head on over and visit Erin at
Ink Obsession Design.
This morning, I sat down for a little God Time and was led to Romans you know how hope filled this little chapter is?!? Ever line is a nugget of encouragement...or, maybe it was just me today.
So here's a bit of what I'm holding onto at the moment:
~I did not receive a spirit of fear...But a Spirit of Sonship!
~I am a child of God----Abba Father!
~My present suffering cannot be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us!
~I will patiently wait, hoping for the unseen!
~The Spirit searches my heart and intercedes for me!
~In ALL things God works for the good of those who love him!
~If God is for us, who can be against us?
~He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?
~Nothing can separate me from the Love of Christ!
We Are More Than Conquerers!!! Live victoriously, Live Bravely, Live Fully in the arms of God!!!
P.S.---I might be a little absent form the whole blogging scene for a little bit. We have SO much to do! But hey, maybe I'll be blogging more because we'll have something actually interesting going extreme home makeover, but on the super cheap!