Well Ladies, this is so hard to type!!! I have decided to participate in our church's 21 days of fasting and prayer....so what is one thing that takes up a majority of my time(besides the Boys!) and something that I really love dearly...well...it's You!
So, starting now.. I'm putting my blackberry down. No blogging, no google reader..gasp..no facebook. (My thumbs are already starting to twitch!..you know from no blackberry..get it?..hahaha....)
Although I'll miss you all very much...I'd miss even more the insight that Jim and I are praying for during this time away!
Here we go..So long, farwell, it's time to say goodbye..I think I might begin to maybe cry...gooooodbye, goodbye, gooodBye...well at least until Feb!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Diving For Cover!

image from Pottery Barn (hint hint Jim...I'd love this room ;))
This new year, with all of it's bright shiny possibilities has been pretty much bummerville! I had the beginnings of a cold when I wrote the last post...which developed into the mother load of mucus and coughing (and honestly, after birthing 3 babies...I HATE coughing!!!!!!)
For the last 2 days I've spent all of my time snuggled up in bed (if I had that pottery barn bed, I'm sure that I would have felt better in 1 day....but then again, if I had that bedroom..I'd probably never leave it period!) Yesterday, Jim was off of work. He took care of the kids, made me all of my meals (and brought them to me!)....he even tackled the grocery list with all 3 boys! Can I just say that no matter how miserable I was with this stupid cold, I am completely blessed! Jamie kept making me get well cards---Reasons I Love My Mom about killed me! Corey kept coming upstairs, showing me his Iron man getup and patting my head, telling me "oh mom, you're so sweet..." Riley snuggled in with me for a couple of seconds, but soon lost interest in the movie I was watching (seriously, how many 7 year old boys would watch 2 seconds of Little Women!?!).
So, yes...the last few days have stunk it up. But even in the yuck, I saw so many wonderful jewels! (ones that I never would have saw if I just tried to power through and keep up our hectic schedule!).
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Diving In

Well, on Friday I got a new revelation on that subject. First off, don't get me wrong---there's nothing wrong with hanging tight to Jesus, there's no safer place and each of us has seasons of resting at the feet of our Savior.
As I was cooking and getting ready for Corey's birthday party, God opened my eyes to the fact that while holding on to Him is well and good, we can never see the beauty found in the deep without letting go of the branches. And maybe, this torrent isn't this worldly life whipping me around, but really God's river where he has many wonderful things in store, if only I let go of my own safety nets and drink deep from His waters.
So this year my goals are to live every moment, searching for the real treasures of this life--blessings and miraculous in the day to day....to be open to His leading, to trust in His ways, and believe in the promises He has given us....2011, bring it on...I'm ready and waiting for a most excellent year! May this new year find all of you living life to the fullest, secure in all that God has in store for you too!
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