Sunday, February 13, 2011


rich? what does that word bring to mind?

---this chocolate blackout cake that I'm making for my grandmother's birthday?

---the almighty dollar?


I've been pondering this question ever since we got back from New Mexico in October. Yes, the community we are looking at is growing by leaps and bounds...but it is also so very close to areas filled with despair, depression and hopelessness.

we are in the middle of a series on How to be Rich...not how to get rich, but what does it mean to Be rich....

interesting fact time---did you know that if you make over $25,000 a year, you're in the top 10% of the world for income? $35,000? 4% $47,000?....1%. our nation's poverty level is the top 10%.....we are truely blessed....

even on my worst day, I still come home to a roof over my head, food in my pantry, health care (even if I disagree with most of the practices....). I know that my children drink "clean" water, their little bellies aren't distended...they don't go to bed with hunger pains....

what does it look like to bring hope to the hopeless.....

do we hold onto security like a handful of sand, working hard to keep up with the Jones', finding that it's never enough....

I wish that I had some answers....just thoughts running through my head tonight. kind of depressing on the eve of the "love" holiday (maybe I should have put the quotes on holiday!?!) but then again, what is love? do we focus on the fluffy cupid stuff or the fact that true love is selfless, giving.....hmmmm.....I've definitely got a lot more thinking to do on this subject. all I know is that God is obviously stirring something deep within, we'll see what sprouts up ;)

here's a small step challenge for you----find someone lonely, going through a rough patch...whatever, and find a way to show them that they are loved. I promise that no matter what you do, even if it's menial to will speak volumes to a hurting heart


slow panic said...

I've spent some time in parts of the world where there was extreme poverty. I have to remind myself there is extreme poverty here in the states as well.

I like your challenge. I need to do that this week, I've been feeling a bit bad for myself

Lifeofkaylen said...

This is a great challenge to everyone! I try to do something kind/nice for people I don't know whenever I can. It might be something as small as a smile in the grocery store, but you never know when someone was feeling invisible and depressed and that smile may have given them an evening of upliftment. (or I hope so)