I feel like I have so much to say, but no words to say it....my breath has been stolen...my heart is a pile of goo, ripped out and stomped....
Yet, through it all...no matter what...
God Is In Control.
He is still the same, yesterday, tomorrow and today...He is good even when I'm not really feeling like that.
Jim got word last week that he is a semi finalist for the fire postition. As in the pageant world, unless a finalist cannot fulfill his firemanly duties or if they decide to add more cadets, we're done. I just don't even know what to say. We put all of our hope and trust into God's leading and once again, here we sit. Other opportunities have presented themselves..and God still has given us such a heart for Las Cruces...We Will get there...just probably not as we had expected.
I'm disappointed, crushed, defeated.
But, I am not this devistated person. I am still a daughter of the King, loved beyond measure even in my pain.
God still blesses us, stretches us, teaches us to trust in His Soveriegnty.
I've been struggling with how to write this post.
Am I hurting? Yes.
Will I heal? Without a doubt.
This weekend we were blessed to hear a message from Bishop Mpemba...a pastor from Africa that we are affilliated with. It was life breath, straight to our souls.
God does not give you a dream that He cannot fulfill.
It might not look like how we think it should, but even right now...at this very moment, God is working this for our good.
Thank you for all of your prayers and thoughts through this all....we are completely blessed to have such amazing friends!
Bwana Asifiwe! (Praise the Lord!)