Friday, July 11, 2008

Is it an eel? Is it a fish? No it's super swimmer!

We took the floaties out of Riley's suit and he just took off...not so hot swimming with his head above the water, but watch out he's like a fish under the water! The first picture is Riley showing grandma his new trick and then he was swimming back to the ladder. He can also swim down and touch the bottom of the pool to pick up diving rings! Not bad for his 1st try at swimming! My little baby is getting so big!

Speaking of babies....I made these crochet animals for our friends Beth and Jeremy's baby shower. This was my first real crochet project. I am pretty satisfied with how they turned out....they are so much cuter in person!

I took this picture last night after we had a pretty big storm. The first line came down from the north then right on it's heels came one from the west. The result was this crazy colored sky and a beautiful rainbow....unfortunately my camera was not very helpful in catching it!

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Hey- I saw that too- and it was right by Wal-Mart! ( I had to go get Raymond:)
wish I had a camera with me!