Thursday, October 8, 2009

6 Is SuperRiffic!

Today, my baby turns 6....where did the time go?!?

It seems like overnight he went from a snuggly little pudgy baby to a big kid!

All he talked about for his birthday was this r.c. motocross bike. Jamie worked his tail off, doing chores for grandmas and a lemon aid stand to earn enough money to buy his little brother his heart's desire! (what a sweet kid!) All 3 boys were so excited all morning, waiting for dad to come home so that they could have Riley open the'd have thought we were going to DisneyLand or something!!!

Tonight we let Riley pick a place to go out and eat....he chose Chili's....all 3 boys had to sit with Jim...leaving me solo on the other side!
Jim surprised the boys by taking us to Baskin Robin's....where they all got cotton candy ice cream with sour gummy worms.....soooo gross!!!!
Happy Birthday Riley!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Many happy returns! He looks like he's enjoying the special day:)