Sunday, October 16, 2011


 A bit of forewarning's post is going to be about a 110 on the sap scale....proceed at your own risk ;)

A year ago today, in fact probably to the minute, my heart was forever changed.    A dream, a love for a an area and its people, was planted in my heart....of course, the dream had already taken hold of Jim.   Now that it was in me too, we thought for we Knew..this was where we would end up....soon!  (oh, how these pictures make my heart ache!...I love these mountains!!!)

So, here I sit...having not been moved, but still dreaming, praying, growing so that in His timing we will see the fruition of things that are so great it's unimaginable!!!

Of course, today's sermon at church hit my feelings on the head....maybe even opened the wound a little....but God cannot heal what we don't, I surrender these feelings of hurt and doubt...the pain of dreams not yet fulfilled.   I see the purpose in us being here for the moment...there is work to be done in us so that we will be whole and strong for His purpose.  AND I believe to the core of my being that in order to truly appreciate something, there has to be some sweat and tears put into it!!!  

We know that in this world, the good guy doesn't always win.   This life is filled with heartache and pain, but we are not made to sit in the muck and never feel the Victory.   Keith gave this idea that once we are in Christ, we are hidden in Him---Like the picture below, we are surrounded by God's grace and sovereignty.   Yes, bad stuff (the red arrow) comes into our lives, but nothing that hasn't been filtered through God's covering.   

There were SO many great verses today, my bulletin is covered in my chicken scratch notes...every blank space filled with nuggets of wisdom.  

Romans 8:28    And we know, all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.   (this means, that yes we will have bad, but God can  mix all the bad and blah into the most precious picture)

We also go through junk so that we can be comforted...and then be able to comfort others. (2 Cor 1:3-4)   You know that when you're going through a hard patch, it's amazing to feel the comfort of someone who has walked that road before...and made it to the other side!   

With my whole heart I believe that there is a greater purpose to these light and momentary struggles.  This dream is not one that we sought out, but was placed in us by our loving Father who knows all things....He has the answers, the dates, and the time. 

So, I'm resting in that right now.   Relying, even when my heart is hurting, He has it all under control.   For such a time as this....I will be prepared even in the everyday!

God is good....all the time....God is good!


gottaluvboyz said...

I love your is inspiring. I pray that God answers your dream when he sees fit!

Michelle said...

Sending you hugs today! Such good wisdom and testimony.

Lori said...

Yes HE is! all the time! Keep dreaming, it's coming!

Anonymous said...

I admire your faith. I keep praying for God to give me the will to do HIS will.