I saw this adorable wreath over at
The Idea Room.

You start out with a styrofoam wreath form, felt (I bought 1 yd, but had plenty left over for another smaller project), and a box of round head pins. While getting the felt cut, I noticed a bolt of red glittery tulle on the table....I had to get it of course!

Cut out a million and a half 3" circles....I think it was more like 250, but still a TON. Then you just fold the circle in half, and then again so that it's a quarter circle. Every so often I'd lay a glitter circle on top of a felt circle before I folded it. Next you stick a pin in the felt and push it into the wreath.

Keep going around forever and a day. I personally liked it better with the circles a bit more "fluffy"....but you can do whatever you like :)
Next up is redecorating my glass hutch doors from the pretty winter scene to one with this new wreath...hoping to find lots of good ideas over at Kimba's DIY Day
You must have the patience of Job to cut out all those circles! The finished product is very, very cute.
I saw that wreath too... you did a great job. I hope I get to make one before V-Day!
That is SO cool. I think even I could pull that off--I adore roses and flowers and never see anything I'd like to decorate with--but that is very sweet.
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