First stop (after the gross-o potty) was this tie dye guy....took a picture for you Joyce ;)

Here's another picture for Joyce....PINK PINK PINK!

This really isn't an accurate color for the was lovely turquoise...and I loved it! (in fact I bought one of those telephone pole glass no idea what I'll do with it, but it made me happy!)

Rebar Heaven!

My Grandma is trying to get rid of some old chairs with no luck---maybe this would help sell them!

I bought this mirro for $'s about 2.5 ft high by 18inches wide...a lot darker that the cruddy cloudy pic..but that wont matter once I paint it ;)

My sister and I went in on this for my mom's mother's day present (yes it's late....they were out of town)....super happy because her's got broken in a freak ping pong accident.....super happy until I got it home and in better light saw the huge crack glued on the spout....DOH!!! Trying to think Christ like thoughts but I'm kind of miffed at the lady.......

We happened to notice that my favorite flower lady was having a plant this lessened my anger...a bit ;) Karan, I love you and your flowers are awesome!!!!!!

Crystal and my mom are having this put something crazy in your yard fued....a 25 cent flamingo sprinkler was perfect!

So far, no one's the wiser at the 'rents house! hehehehe!

So, ya win some, ya lose some at the local flea. We have lots of ideas on things to look for, but think it might be a better idea to actually go to an auction instead of paying flea market pricing ;)
Wow! You rocked it!! Yucko day to be out in the weather - you are quite the trooper!!
LOL on the flamingo sprinkler... 25 cents?? Yeah!
And the mirror???? LOVE IT!! I'm about out of surfer blue but that would be so cool! :)
I know, despite the weather, that you had fun with your sister. That's always fun.
The blue glass thingamabob is called an insulator. I didn't know exactly what they did, so I looked it up, and here's one place I found for an explanation.
Have a good day!
You can't see it in my above comment, but there is a .htm after project in the web address.
I LOVE your mirror!!!! Oh my gosh! So so pretty. I cannot wait to see what you do with it!! :)
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