That was pretty much what was going through my head this morning....
This is a hand-me down table that we got when we were first married....back in the late 90's...can you tell?!? (oh, HGTV you done me Wrong!)
My little sister is having a garage sale this weekend...
And considering my new found refinishing skills....
And the fact that we're trying to downsize...
I figured, let's spruce things up and try and make a few bucks.
Hours of sanding and painting later:
Here's a little staining tip for ya:
DO NOT Try to Stain something when it's a Bagillion degrees outside..oh, or when it's nature's Sauna outside (but without the rejuvenating facial benefits!!!)
I came outside this morning at 6 AM to beat today's heat wave and get a couple more coats on the chairs so that I could stain them later.
This is what I loverly table that was stained LAST evening...still wet and sticky, uneven and gross....

Moral of the story......go slow (like don't try and stain the entire table top at once), go thin (less is more, you can always do a second coat later) and when it's humid don't wait for 15 min for the stain to sink in....unless you like sanding table tops..A.G.A.I.N!
Ok, I'm off to go cry....or drink....or throw the table off the porch.....
Well, we live and learn. Right? This is why I don't like staining and I DON'T like heat! :D Your idea was good however and I like that table and chairs.
Oh man! Bless your heart. Sanding and staining is hard work...that's why I've made spray paint my's quick, easy, and did I mention quick? Ha! Hope your day gets better!
*pouring you a drink* Poor thing :(
Oooh, that stinks! Good luck--and do have a drink.
I love that table and chairs! If we lived closer and I had the room and actually needed it, I would SO buy that from you! :D
LOVE your table! great job!
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