Friday, May 20, 2011

Eleven'll Be Heaven....Right?!?

Eleven....How can this BE?!?

About this time so many moons ago, we were thinking about going to the hospital (I had to shave my legs first...and paint my know the priorities of someone in their 20's)

I never thought I could love someone so much until I met Jamie! (and then of course with each other boy!) I cried when we had to leave you at the hospital..and all night..I'm sure the nursery staff was sick of my by the time you actually came home (I called constantly, we were there first thing in the morning and left at night). We called you Unibaby (because I thought the iv on your head made you look like a unicorn...poor little unibaby!)
Look at how Young we were!!!!! Ha...amazing what 11 years and 3 boys will do to a person!
This is one of my favorite baby, it's like they're looking in a Jim in everyway!

Happy Birthday Jamie!!!

I pray that this year brings you many blessings, that you continue to grow and understand who you are in God's eyes, that your heart will stay soft and that I can take the time to just enjoy who you're becoming!!!!

We love you very much Jamie!



Michelle said...

Happy Birthday Jamie! Wasn't it just a few days ago I wishing him Happy 10? Where did that year go?

gottaluvboyz said...

Happy Birthday, Jamie! Hope you have a fantastic year!!! Love the photos! I had to laugh about shaving and pointing your toenails. I did the SAME thing w/ my first. Doctor sent me home to get my bags and ordered me to come right back (had pre-eclampsia) and our families beat us to the hospital. LOL

Anonymous said...

Many happy returns! I hope 11 is a fantastic year!