This started out as an old white desk and chair that was given to us by my parents' neighbor. It was ok, but Jamie really wanted a Navy themed room...so now we have a Navy Blue Angels desk.

The hardest part of the entire chair project was getting the crazy screws out of the bottom of the chair!!!! (oh, and pulling out all of the staples from the nasty old vinyl covering!!!....but Jim did that...hahaha!)
All I did was put the pad on the fabric and cut around it...skimped a bit because I am going to make a throw pillow with the leftovers!
Staple around the edges (I pulled the corners in first and then folded the edges up). You can trim the excess if you want, but I didn't have that much, so I left it as it. Then you just rescrew onto the perfectly painted chair (yeah right!)...and there it is....a Blue Angels desk chair!
I still have some work left to do on the desk. I'm really not that happy with the way the Glidden paint is covering so I'm going to try sanding and maybe rolling the top and side of the desk. (it did just fine with the legs and other smaller sections, but the bigger areas are all streaky....it's driving me nuts!)

Come back next week to see the finished product!
Well it is obvious it is going to be an amazing desk and chair set. I love the colors and fabric choices. I wonder if you'd have better luck with spray paint. Lots of people really love the coverage and use it all the time. I have only used it on flower pots, but the next time I do furniture I will surely give it a try.
Good luck!
I would have Loved to have used spray paint! The blue is such an odd shade that I knew I'd never find it in spray paint....oh well, next project I get to pick the colors :)
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