Jim's dad gave us tickets for Disney on Ice that he had won on the radio. I don't know how people do it, especially right before Christmas. We had to get an extra ticket (he had won 4)...that was $20 by the time you added in all the fees and junk. Then once you get there, you have to pass by rows of vendors in order to get to your seats. The boys desperately wanted snow cones that came in character mugs....$10 a piece for a blop of snow cone and the cheap plastic cup. They kept seeing the guys with junk on sticks walking by...$20 some dollars for the buzz lightyear that lights up and spins (pretty much the same one I bought Corey years ago for $5!). I refused to give in....kept saying that just being there Was A Treat...we could have easily spent $100 on everything they wanted!!!

(isn't Jim's coat lovely? He wears that thing all of the time...it's from his fire department and is covered in reflective tape to keep them safe on accident scenes....he seriously wore this last year to the mall!!!..."Buuut, you won't loose me".....I tried, but he came back.)
Just in the nick of time, the lights dimmed....Showtime!

It was great, tons of pyrotechnics....not too princess-y...they got to see all of their favorite characters and I think that they enjoyed it even without the extra stuff.
Corey is obsessed with Buzz Lightyear....I thought he was going to burst from excitement!

Ooohh the Incredibles!!!! Riley loved the Incredibles, but now...he's a big kid, geesh mom :(

I laughed so hard for the Lion King song....not that it was funny, but their costumes looked like rejects from Cats...never good with a guy...hehehehe!

We did have fun once the whining stopped and the show started (have a ton of pictures to sort through and work on so that I can make an album for the kiddos). Thanks Grandpa for the tickets!
Looks like you had good seats! It's all the junk they want you to buy that kills you. I used to go to the dollar store and buy cheapo glow sticks to put in my purse to hold them off the $20 light up twirly thing they always begged for!
Jennifer...That is GENIUS!!! (Not to far from sneaking in the candy to movies! hahaha!)
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