This is our Jesse Tree for the Christmas season. I wanted to do something special that would take the boys' focus off of presents and that pesky red fellow and onto Jesus and the reason he came.

Jim whacked off a branch from a tree in our yard, stuck it in a big vase filled with sand and viola...Jesse tree! Each day we have a reading and an ornament. We are also focusing on doing little acts of service and memorizing Matthew 6: 19-21 (Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal. Instead, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy and thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.)

We made clay ornaments....obviously the 'tude adjustments are not quiet working yet! (oh Corey, how I love you!!!!)
There are dozens of sites if you google Jesse Tree....most with complete verses and printable ornaments. We are actually doing a combo of two, one has great questions and the other has better scriputre verses. Give it a try! It's good to take some of the focus off our wants and put it on other's needs! (The ton of rubber tubs in the background were divided up and given to families who needed clothes....for some reason, we had 9 bags of clothes that didn't fit the boys any more! It was a good experience for the boys to pack them up and help deliver the goodies to people we knew with little boys.)
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